Instead of not showing my “face” for a while because I am so flat out with working on my up coming show, I will try to keep you up to date on some works in progress and some other in-sides.
I love the, “The Naked Canvas”, as I call it. It the start of often spending a lot time in the studio. Boiling hot in Summer, like today and cold in Winter.

Before starting a lot of preparation needs to be done, starting with my road trips and recording ideas. Scanning the landscape. I noticed I am in favor of wide open landscapes with often discarded objects. I am not sure if this stems from being Dutch, having spend half my life over there. Forests are no good, unless I can see trough or over.
Stillness and space is what I am after.

I believe they are accentuated by discarded man made objects. They also need to have the right contrast in terms of Light and dark.. I will take photographs or use water colours to take back to the studio. Watercolour is great as it is fast and I feel very comfortable using this media.
To give the canvas that same Stillness, I feel the need to simplify and abstract the painting. Focus on form, contrast and colour. Not being distracted by detail and receive a direct emotional response.