Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Where the Shadows Play

Right in the middle of it! Energetic one day, absolutely exhausted the next. Trying not to think about the amount of work I still need to do and keeping my confidence that it will work out. I love this stage but I feel i am living in a cocoon, just focussed on this upcoming show and not allowing a lot of other things happening. Feel guilty about not spending the enough time with the family/kids but are happy in a way, just doing what I love to do, although getting a bit sick sometimes of my own company. It all sounds a bit two headed but that's usually the case leading up to a show. Looking back it's a recurring pattern that's hard to change I feel. But perhaps it is needed, the intensity and focus, to create work I am happy with.

The first image is of canvas I am working on at the moment.
Titled "Where the Shadows Play".Acrylic on Canvas.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Trespassers Delight

"Trespassers Delight" , 50 x 70cm. Acrylic on Canvas

Road trips are my main source of ideas for my paintings, and they often come with some excitement and danger. I do not follow maps but have a rough idea which area I would like to discover. A left or right turn-off is taken on impulse and can lead into some interesting situations.

Some absolutely beautiful and surprising, others the opposite. Or in one case both, when I was enjoying this off road section listening to the sounds of the country, when suddenly this dog nearly jumped through the car window and made me sit on the passenger seat. Came from nowhere and scared the hell out of me.

Numerous times after jumping a fence to find the best location for a shot, I had to run back to the car with some dog on my heels. Avoiding snakes in high grass is important and electric fences are still not my favourite. Back in Holland as a child we used to have dares in who could keep hold of the wire the longest, which I remember wasn't very long, and for the brave ones urinate on it, which you really only do once!
Some times it pay's off though to take a risk and it is usually the people you meet, that will make the difference. I drove past this farm one day which actually looked like a museum, with vintage car's,truck's and other equipment. After driving past twice I decided to enter the property and instead barking dogs I met the owner who I explained to that I was an artist, looking for inspiration. He came down the roof and shook my hand. He showed me around the property and chatted about him self and the way he lived and how the land had changed over the years. Ended up with some great images.
Over the weekend I found this remote sandy road that was lined with bare trees. They all were filled with crows. Very Hitchcock and an eery feeling I got, driving trough. Also during road trips I have seen way to many "Keep Out" signs with bullet holes trough it. This one had a particularly big hole in it!

I used to hitch hike a fair bit, in Europe and all around New Zealand. The feeling of the unknown, not knowing where you will sleep that night and who you will meet, gives me a great sense of freedom. I have learned to following my instinct and looking back I am just amazed where it has taken me.
I left my home country in 1993 with the idea of travelling for three months. Nearly twenty years later I live in Melbourne, but it could have been Canada, South Africa or another country, who knows.