Right in the middle of it! Energetic one day, absolutely exhausted the next. Trying not to think about the amount of work I still need to do and keeping my confidence that it will work out. I love this stage but I feel i am living in a cocoon, just focussed on this upcoming show and not allowing a lot of other things happening. Feel guilty about not spending the enough time with the family/kids but are happy in a way, just doing what I love to do, although getting a bit sick sometimes of my own company. It all sounds a bit two headed but that's usually the case leading up to a show. Looking back it's a recurring pattern that's hard to change I feel. But perhaps it is needed, the intensity and focus, to create work I am happy with.

The first image is of canvas I am working on at the moment.
Titled "Where the Shadows Play".Acrylic on Canvas.

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