Included are a couple of images of the show, thanks to John Bodin. The opening went great and a big thank you to Robert Hollingworth, for his fantastic speech. Like last year with Danny Huppatz, Robert did a great job in explaining my work. Both are able to explain my work in the right context, much better then I really could do.

It's necessary from an artist point of view to get feedback and honest feedback to be able to go forward. The artist him or her self off course will try to analyse their work while working but comments from outside sources are very helpful.
The watercolours have had a great response which I am pretty happy with because it's the direction I feel I would like to take. I feel the need to be more spontaneous and emotional in the way I paint. Not sure if it is result of painting on canvas being so labour intensive.
Included are some images from the show at Anita Traverso Gallery.

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